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    [房产问答] 在布村买楼花求助

    Ewarch88 发表于 2018-4-15 23:24:26 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
    There are alot of misleading advertising. Do not trust there will be a rebate or promises of rental returns, because it will be subject to change. Other than that is such as body corporate fees, council rates over the whole development site. EOI- expression of interest. normally would have minimum deposit for holding an interested apartment unit, but it should be return in full if you do not want to sign a formal contract when time comes. If their EOI does not allow deposit to be return, then do not make deal with them. They can only hold your deposit after you sign the contract.
    Ewarch88 发表于 2018-4-15 23:25:31 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
    有很多误导性的广告。 不要相信会有租金回报的回扣或承诺,因为它会随时发生变化。 除此之外,诸如法人团体费用,整个开发地点的议会费率等。 EOI-表达兴趣。 通常会有最低限度的押金,用于持有感兴趣的公寓单元,但如果您不想在时间到期时签署正式合同,则应该全额退还。 如果他们的EOI不允许存款归还,那么不要与他们打交道。 他们只能在签订合同后才能持有你的存款。
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